Naturopathic Doctors are highly educated primary care providers who integrate standard medical diagnostics with a broad range of natural therapies. They work in partnership with other regulated healthcare providers to ensure that the patients receive the most comprehensive and effective care possible.
Holistic Healing Arts carries only the highest quality products in our Naturopathic Dispensary. Supporting our exceptional Naturopathic Doctors and other Health Professionals with the best in a wide choice of Natural Health Products & Supplements has been our commitment for over 25 years.
If you have any questions, our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help.

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that addresses the root causes of illness or disease and promotes health and wellness using natural therapies.
Naturopathic Doctors are highly educated, licensed, primary health care practitioners, who integrate standard medical diagnostics with a broad range of natural therapies.
They work in partnership with other regulated healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive the most comprehensive and effective care possible.
In Ontario, NDs are licensed under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. Registration requirements for an ND include extensive training for at least four (4) years at an accredited College of Naturopathic Medicine. The minimum prerequisites for acceptance at an accredited Naturopathic College include at least 3 years of a University science and healthcare program as a pre-med education. Most NDs have taken the extra year to get Bachelor of Science degrees and more.
Naturopathic Medicine offers a customized approach to health care, where treatment plans are tailored to suit individual patients.
How is Naturopathic Medicine different?
What treatments do NDs use?
Listen for more information on Naturopathy
Want to learn more about Licensed Naturopathic Doctors in Ontario?

Using targeted laboratory testing allows the NDs an in-depth insight into what biochemical mechanisms may be causing symptoms. This includes conventional blood testing as well as specialized lab tests that are more comprehensive (IgG Food Sensitivity Testing, DUTCH test, Salivary Hormone Testing, and more).

Intravenous (IV) Nutrient Therapy is a form of therapy commonly used for its wide range of health benefits. It is an effective way of delivering nutrients in concentrated forms. IV Therapy can support cancer treatment, and can benefit fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue, and pain management, to name a few.
It is a safe, effective, and restorative means of receiving customized treatment for individual patients and their needs.

Reiki healing is said to have been practiced for over 2500 years, however, it was rediscovered and described in Japan in the early 1900’s. The term “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “Rei” (light) and “Ki” (energy), referring to the practice of channeling healing light energy through the hands. Like other Eastern practices such as acupuncture, Tai Chi, and Qigong, Reiki influences the flow of energy within the body to improve both physical and emotional wellbeing.
In a Reiki session, the practitioner places their hands on or just above the recipient’s body, often targeting the chakras and surrounding areas. The flow of energy can produce sensations such as tingling, temperature changes, or emotional release, with experiences varying from person to person. Reiki is primarily used as an stress-relief and relaxation technique, and studies suggest it may improve quality of life for individuals dealing with conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more. Many people report feeling more relaxed and experiencing emotional and physical improvements after a session.
While Reiki should not replace the advice of licensed medical professionals, it is a safe, non-invasive therapy that can complement and enhance any wellness regime.

The practice of Massage Therapy is the assessment of the soft tissue and joints of the body. It includes the treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment physical function.
Massage Therapy can be used as a treatment for both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs work with a wide variety of clients in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability, and can offer significant benefits for a variety of conditions.
Massage Therapy can help alleviate musculoskeletal disorders associated with everyday stress, muscular overuse, the physical manifestation of mental conditions, and many persistent pain syndromes.
Massage Therapy can also be used as a part of a preventative care program.

The Renew You Program is being revamped and is temporarily unavailable.
RENEW YOU will be available with an updated program by the fall.

Matrix Repatterning is a revolutionary new way of understanding the body. It was developed by Dr George Roth, a Chiropractor and Naturopathic Doctor.
It is a comprehensive system based on sound scientific principles which can restore optimum function and help alleviate many painful conditions and health problems associated with structural imbalance.
Some examples of conditions that benefit from Matrix Repatterning treatments include:
– Low back pain, with or without disc injury
– Neck pain and headaches
– Knee/ankle/foot pain
– Shoulder/arm discomfort
– Plantar Fasciitis
– Arthritic pain
– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
– Fibromyalgia
– Concussion/head injury
– Menstrual pain/dysfunction
– Digestive complaints
– Ear noise (Tinnitus)
– Sleep problems

As discovered by the founder of Osteopathy, Dr. Taylor Stills, the body functions as a unit. When it is compromised due to posture or injury, for example, the circulation, nerve supply, hormone secretion etc. are also compromised. An Osteopath’s role lies in finding and treating the issues that inhibit health thus restoring balance in the body through natural, non-invasive hands on techniques some of which are listed below:
Osteopathic Massage:
Soft tissue therapy manipulation to relax muscles
Joint Mobilizations and Muscle Energy Techniques
Slow and gentle techniques to increase range of motion, flexibility, and get blood flowing to the area to increase healing
Cranial Osteopathy
Gentle hand pressure to manipulate the skeleton and connective tissues, especially the skull and sacrum
Visceral Osteopathy
Manipulation and subtle movements of the viscera and internal organs. Can be helpful for breathing difficulties, digestive issues, back pain, etc.
What to expect in your initial osteopathic appointment?
Check out the HHA Podcast for exciting information

Reflexology is an ancient healing art which is over 3000 years old. Its roots go back to India, Egypt and China. The therapy is primarily done on the feet and hands. There are reflexes on the feet and hands which correspond to every organ and system of the body. Through massage techniques and the application of pressure on these reflexes, toxins are broken up (commonly stored in the tissues), removing any blockages that may be present within energy pathways. Reflexology promotes balance within the body, may help to increase circulation, help with foot pain, and relieve stress within the body. It is an overall wonderful therapy which leaves you relaxed and refreshed. The therapy is primarily done on the feet and hands, but can also be done on the face and ears. Everyone can benefit from Reflexology!

Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It is a network of tissues, organs, and vessels working together to move the fluid, known as the lymph, to return to the bloodstream. Just like our blood, the lymph circulates through the body. The lymphatic system is also responsible for maintaining the fluid balance in the body. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in absorbing fat-soluble nutrients within our digestive system. As part of the immune system, it can defend the body against bacteria and intruders, helping with the following: Lymphedema, scarring from lumpectomy and mastectomy, venous insufficiency, swelling or oedema, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, systemic sclerosis, fatigue, stress, digestive problems, insomnia, and more…
Click here to view Petula Jennings’ profile
How to prepare for your Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Developed by an Australian chiropractor, acupuncturist, and teacher Dr. John Veltheim in the 1990s, BodyTalk is a complete holistic therapy that addresses all systems of the body. It’s non-invasive and offers instant relief of stress.
The BodyTalk System provides a simple and effective form of therapy that facilitates the body’s systems to be re-synchronized so that can operate as nature intended and effectively respond to stress, injury, illness, and trauma.
BodyTalk works by first identifying the weakened energy circuits within the body by implementing a three-step process: first, ask; second, balance, and; third, restore internal communication. The practitioner will then contact the corresponding points with their hands, then gently tap the patient on the top of their head as an act to set a new normal, the chest to effectively save the changes made, and finally the belly button to activate the gut to digest, assimilate, and integrate the new changes.
Each session builds upon the next, so the patient is always improving from the previous session.
Common conditions that improve with BodyTalk are:
Digestive Disorders
Back Pain
Pre-Natal Care
Phobias and Emotional Disturbances
Sports Performance
Recovery from Injuries and/or Trauma
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue